Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Peace or Justice?

This is not a fun post. Last fall I decided I wanted to go to law school and after many excruciating hours of studying for the LSAT I was still gung ho. Today, this week, and this year have made me reconsider my choice. Like many with financial responsibility, I have hit a rough patch. I realize that not only will I be committing myself to 3 long, hard years of study but more importantly, many, years of future debt. I just don't want to burden my family with helping me through another degree, they did with a bachelors and they are certainly not obligated to help me pursue an advanced degree.
Beside the finance I have discovered that my heart may not be into it. I thought the hardest part would be the LSAT (which in calculable terms it is) but my personal statement has really been the most difficult fork in this road. As I started to write it I realized that my reasons for wanting to pursue the degree were monetary and unlike my bachelors, I lack some aspect of passion that may be required to make it through. Granted, I didn't have a clue what I would do with a Fine Art Degree (still don't) but it felt right and I was 18. Now (23), considering accumulating 60-90k in debt and possibly not enjoying my career choice just seems to risky.
I have invested a lot of time and money (by my standards) on prep course and electronic data assemble that I feel obligated but is that really a reason to continue this charade? Tomorrow I may wake up really wanting to go to law school (working at the law school and seeing the dedication of the students and dreaming of a life of wealth certainly doesn't help me make the right decision) but today I would like to continue a life of IT and possibly pursue web development and an e-commerce business. I know there are bigger problems in the world, but right now I can't decide on what path to take. Soap box closed! Insight welcomed....

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