Sunday, May 3, 2009

Busy Bee

Today was actually a productive day. It started out slow and lazy but after a little Carly Simon and some Otis Redding I was on my merry way. See! I cut out 2 stencils; one with 3 colors and one with 6 colors so I guess that means I really cut out 9 stencils. The wall behind me has been top secret for awhile but today I was looking at it and thought it was time for the debut.This is the start of the gallery wall for my living room. The theme? Family, believe it or not. A spark plug, some cotton, 3 stalks of corn growing from one hole, 33/3 peas, and portrait silhouettes. Read the story of the spark plug here. As for the others, I will let you run with them for now. I'm not really in a story telling mood so I will fill you in later with better photos. I also think that each piece deserves its own post if not for the sake of astounding aesthetic (Ha!) but for the sake of the stories that inspired them.

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