Thursday, March 20, 2008


This is the beginning of the end: the end of being a student and perhaps the end of my youth. I am spending my last spring break at work and decided it was time to start a blog. This blog will be a look into the past; something I hold quite dear. Regardless of the technology and neat advancements that become avaliable I continue to dwell on elements of the past. I feel as though I am just an old soul floating through a millineum in which I don't belong. I will dedicate this blog to the past and publish my relics; things that not only define the past but things that define me. I will showcase my artwork beside the objects which serve as inspiration, a comparison of how I am affected by objects that came before. As I approach graduation and revel in my acheiement of attaining my BFA I can only look forward to the future even if my soul resides in the past.

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